Government of India

CUP-19: COVID Urban Practices : Innovation / Initiative

A Glimpse of Initiative

Mask Production

State/UT Name : Puducherry

Place : Mahe

Type of Initiative : Production of masks

Date of Initiative : 27-03-2020

What Initiative Were Taken? : Mask Production

Details : Three SHGs namely, (Sree Durga, Akshara and Karuna) were involved in the making of face mask.According to the instruction Of Regional Administrator a total of 1725 masks were produced and handed over to the Regional Administrator during the period of lock down.

Outcome : In this Pandemic situation, there is a need to protect oneself from the spread of Covid-19 Virus as it can infect through air. So, in order to prevent oneself, regional Administrator has taken initiatives to stitch masks by our SHGs and nearly 1725 nos. of masks have been produced and were handed over to the Regional Administrator Office for the distribution of masks to front line workers of Police Department, health workers etc.