Government of India

CUP-19: COVID Urban Practices : Innovation / Initiative

A Glimpse of Initiative

Creation of isolation wards and quarantine facilities with requisite capacity.

State/UT Name : Haryana

Place : Radha Swami Satsang Bhawan

Type of Initiative : Others

Date of Initiative : 16-04-2020

What Initiative Were Taken? : Creation of isolation wards and quarantine facilities with requisite capacity.

Details : MCYNR converted four large facilities of Radha Swami Satsang Bhawan into quarantine facilities with 1700+ beds around the city. Individuals with travel history and asymptomatic or symptomatic conditions were identified and were issued an order to practice self-quarantine for two weeks.

Outcome : Quarantine Facilities were especially designed for people who had returned from trips. Adequate social distancing norms were followed while creating this facility.