Government of India

CUP-19: COVID Urban Practices : Innovation / Initiative

A Glimpse of Initiative

(AHP) houses Converted into the Isolation/ Quarantine Center

State/UT Name : Chhattisgarh

Place : Raipur, Chhattisgarh

Type of Initiative : Others

Date of Initiative : 20-03-2020

What Initiative Were Taken? : (AHP) houses Converted into the Isolation/ Quarantine Center

Details : Dwelling Units constructed under the PMAY-HFA (U) in the Affordable Housing in Partnership (AHP) vertical in Raipur Chhattisgarh have been converted into the Isolation/ Quarantine facilities for controlling COVID-19 pandemic. The housing constructed for urban poor were completed and were ready for allotment, but as the allotment process was delayed, government took decision to convert these houses into quarantine facility. 220 people from various states and few from Bangladesh who were residing in the Raipur District, Chhattisgarh and found to be having preliminary symptoms of COVID-19 have been quarantined here. Food is also provided to them 3 times as breakfast ,lunch and dinner regular

Outcome : Raipur Municipal Corporation, Chhattisgarh has taken an initiative by providing 501 vacant houses built under AHP vertical of PMAY(HFA) as quarantine center. 220 homeless Persons from different state suspected of exposure to Covid 19 had been quarantined here. Food is also provided to them 3 times as breakfast ,lunch and dinner regularly with Essential medicines services for preventing against Corona (Covid-19) infection.