Government of India

CUP-19: COVID Urban Practices : Innovation / Initiative

A Glimpse of Initiative

Healthy and hygiene food served to residents of SUH

State/UT Name : Andhra Pradesh

Place : all ULBs

Type of Initiative : Shelter

Date of Initiative : 23-04-2020

What Initiative Were Taken? : Healthy and hygiene food served to residents of SUH

Details : Amid of COVID19 outbreak and in view of National and State Level Lock down imposed by the Governments , MEPMA strengthened its 84 Permanent Shelter for Urban Homeless and establlished 140 temporary shelters to create roof over homeless, Migrant Workers from other States and stranded people across the State of Andhra Pradesh. As on date, 10775 residents of Perminent and Temporary SUHs and relief camps are served healthy and hygiene food three times a day along with fruits and health drinks like buttermilk, raagi malt etc with the support and sponsering of District Officials, NGOs and Social Philantropists to fight against COVID19 with immunity.

Outcome : 10775 homeless and 10775 residents of Perminent and Temporary SUHs and relief camps are served healthy and hygiene food three times a day along with fruits and health drinks like buttermilk, raagi malt etc with the support and sponsering of District Officials, NGOs and Social Philantropists to fight against COVID19 with immunity.