Government of India

CUP-19: COVID Urban Practices : Innovation / Initiative

A Glimpse of Initiative

Ensuring safety of inmates through sanitization of Shelters: Odisha

State/UT Name : Odisha

Place : various ULBs of Odisha

Type of Initiative : Sanitation

Date of Initiative : 21-04-2020

What Initiative Were Taken? : Ensuring safety of inmates through sanitization of Shelters: Odisha

Details : In Odisha, 34 shelters for urban homeless have undertaken sanitization drives in their premises, as a protection measure against the spread of novel coronavirus. These Shelters accommodate mostly the vulnerable segments of the society including the elderly and migrants. Health check-up camps have been conducted in 30 shelters with 630 residents. Sensitisation sessions have also been organised in Shelters on preventive measures against COVID-19 on essential requirements of social distancing, hygiene, wearing masks, frequent hand washing with soaps, etc.

Outcome : In Odisha, 34 shelters for urban homeless have undertaken sanitization drives in their premises, as a protection measure against the spread of novel coronavirus. These Shelters accommodate mostly the vulnerable segments of the society including the elderly and migrants. Health check-up camps have been conducted in 30 shelters with 630 residents. Sensitisation sessions have also been organised in Shelters on preventive measures against COVID-19 on essential requirements of social distancing, hygiene, wearing masks, frequent hand washing with soaps, etc.