Government of India

CUP-19: COVID Urban Practices : Innovation / Initiative

A Glimpse of Initiative

Mask and Gloves Distribution

State/UT Name : Haryana

Place : Bhiwani

Type of Initiative : Health - Medicine , Emergency services etc.

Date of Initiative : 28-03-2020

What Initiative Were Taken? : Mask and Gloves Distribution

Details : In District Bhiwani an initiative taken by Chairman Municipal Council Bhiwani and employees of the council to distribute mask and gloves to the emoloyees of council who are working in the lockdown and also to the people of district . Also they aware about the importance of washing hands with sanitizers and cover their face with the mask as people are not aware about the precautions . Also sanitization of surrounding areas are done as people are aware about the symptoms . Chairman sir also told people to maximum stay at home to stay safe.

Outcome : Purpose of the initiative is to aware maximum number of people regarding Covid-19 pandemic about what precautions were to be taken to stay safe in this situations. Output of the initiative was good as response from the people were positive and also they understands the importance of taking precautions to stay safe .